How to register with CT Hires?

Please log in to CTHires and visit your Dashboard. Once in your Dashboard, you want to “Create WIOA Pre App” under “My Benefits Plan.”

Follow the prompts and when you are finished, we should be able to see your application in our system.

*If you have not done so already, please register for a CTHires account at :

Click the link that says “Not Registered?”

Scroll to the bottom of the page and under Option 3- Create User Account, Click on “Individual” (first option).

Click on Comprehensive Registration.

Create User ID (Ex: John.Smith16).

Create Password (Ex: Smith2016$)

Make sure you use your full social security number when creating your account. This is how we look you up when you come in.

Complete the Account Information.

Upon Completion of Registration it will bring you to the “My Dashboard” page.

Please Complete the “My Background” tab located on your “My Dashboard” page in the “My Personal Profile” box.

How to Apply for CareerConneCT?

Step 1) Click on the following link- CareerConneCT Link

Please make sure you do the following:

– Create a new user

– Add ” Healthcare” under preferred industries

– When it asks about employer referrals select ” Yes” and indicate you were referred by Northeast Medical Institute

– The final question about community organization- Please select ” I was not referred by any on the this list unless it lists Northeast Medical Institute”

– It will ask you to upload your resume, this is not required and can be bypassed completely, for now. You are able to submit this later on in the process.

-Next take the 17 Question skill assessment.

Once you complete this, please text us at 203.391.6766 to let us know that you finished the CareerConneCT portal and the 17 questions.

What is a Payment Plan?

So you want to take a course at Northeast Medical Institute, however, you do not want to pay the class in full. At Northeast Medical Institute we offer our generic payment plans, but we are able to customize them according to your needs. Our generic payment plan is listed in our School Catalog. The daytime payment plan consists of 3 payments, while the evening payment plan consists of 4 payments in total. In order to customize your playment plan please contact us at 203-391-6766 ext 1.