Connecticut Prometric Registration Guide

This guide is designed to help you seamlessly register for the Prometric exam. By following these step-by-step instructions, you should encounter no issues during the process. If you have any questions along the way, feel free to reach out to us at All the necessary steps are clearly outlined below to ensure a smooth registration experience.

1) Go to and type in “CT CNA Prometric” and click on the first link. Or, you can copy and paste this link

The Website should look like this; 


2) Scroll Down and Click on” Candidate Resource” then “Online Application”

3) Click on “Register New User”
*If you don’t receive an email from Prometric within 5 minutes, you need to make a new GMAIL email account. Please do not use, Hotmail, or Outlook. Only Yahoo and GMAIL work well with this process.

4) If you have difficulty creating a password due to their strict password rules, you can use
“ Nemi12345!”

5) Once you receive the email from Prometric, please click the activation link and sign in.

Note: If your email is hooked up to your mobile device just click on the activation link in the email and then go back to the page below to sign in.


6) After signing in, click on “submit new application” located at the right of the page.

7) Select “Connecticut Registration “.

8) Fill in all the requested information.
Note: when entering your birthday, you have click the little calendar to select the date. **Your full SSN is REQUIRED even though it does not have an asterisk. The process will take much longer if you do not include it in your application.**

9) Part B- Click on Written Test and Clinical Test ($138.00)
Note: If you are a Grant Student ( Not Self Paying for the CNA Course ) then you must fill out the entire application and save it with your diploma and then send your username and password to

10) Click on Credit card- No money orders or Cashier checks, they will slow down the process for you and delay being scheduled.

11) Part C- Click on New Nurse Aide

12) Part D- Click on the little microscope and a new window will pop up behind your current webpage. On this page, type in “Northeast Medical Institute” and select Search. Then click on any of the Northeast Medical Institute location ( If your location is not listed you can check off Woodbridge). Be sure to input your Training Completion Date by clicking on the little calendar on the right side and adding the date found on your CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION.

Training Instructor Name: Gerald Roberson or which ever instructor you had. 
Instructor Title- CNA Instructor

The SIGNATURE is NOT REQUIRED for online applications as long as you provide your CNA diploma. 

13) Part E- Click on “In Regional Testing” and then choose the choices. 

14) Part G- Click “I Agree”

15) Release Statement “ I Agree”

16) Go to the bottom and click “Save”

17) Go back into application and go all the way down to the bottom and click the Blue “here”.

18) You need to attach your Northeast Medical Institute Certificate of Completion and then click Update. This is the Certificate you receive once you complete the entire course. DO NOT MISTAKE it with the online completion certificate. The certificate with have Northeast Medical Institute Logo with Owner’s Signature. 

19) Go back into your application and attach your payment and click submit. 


If it does not submit, or it times out, you may have to re-do the whole exam registration process.

Please write down the confirmation number it gives you at the end of the application once it is successfully submitted.

Prometric should charge you for the exam within 48-72 hours (be sure to check your bank account to verify that the money was taken out). You must also check your EMAIL DAILY! They will send you an email with your test date in there and it may go to your spam or junk mailbox.

If you have any other further questions you can give them a call at 866-499-7485. Choose Option 9 on the menu to check on the status of your Regional Testing Application and when your exam will be scheduled.

***Please keep in mind, we are NOT Prometric, nor do we have access to their scheduling system, so we cannot see upcoming test dates or available testing slots. All questions regarding Prometric scheduling should be directed to them at the 866 number listed above.****